Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reducing Racial Discrimination in the USA Essay

Between the periods of 1877-1981 there were many significant figures who contributed towards reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Although without events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, WWII or the actions of the NACCP to change attitudes towards African Americans, these individuals would have had little effect. The likes of Booker T Washington and Du Bois set the foundation for civil rights along with the Second World War; however other individuals such as Martin Luther King help to actively progress the movement. Along with this the government and various presidents more so in the latter of the period of 1877-1981 helped to change attitudes and enforce legislation which was vital in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Booker T Washington began to provide the foundations to the civil rights movement in his actions. Although I believe that during this early period of the movement little was achieved, Washington was still able to provide education, and show African Americans that they had a future and it was at their own mercy. This helped to relieve some who were less fortunate. On the other hand Du Bois took a route which directly campaigned for civil rights for African Americans; alike to Washington he achieved little due to the already widespread racial situation in the USA. It is noticeable that these individuals had no short term meaningful effect on reducing racial discrimination, however much was achieved long term as they created the path for the civil rights movement in the future, this was also aided with the work from the NACCP, which raised awareness of the racial discrimination situation in America. Another individual which had little short term significance in reducing racial discrimination was Marcus Garvey, who unlike Du Bois and Washington believed that blacks and whites could not co-exist and they should be separate, he held the belief that African Americans had to start their own nation in order to advance. Whilst he failed to make much impact on the movement itself, alike to his predecessors Du Bois and Washington, his ideas were valued and widespread, they inspired many including future activists such as Malcolm X. Garvey gave African Americans at that time a sense of confidence that they would be able to advance as a race, and they need not be bound by the constraints of racial discrimination. This is why in the Long term Garvey was a valued activist, and his ideas were useful in progress in the movement towards equality. Also he gave confidence to other African Americans in campaigning against racial discrimination which could be seen in the likes of the Greensboro Sit Ins further into the civil rights movement. The likes of the NACCP helped to put an end to racial discrimination with the use of court cases and legal methods which were unlike the methods that the likes of Washington used with his attempts to educate. Examples of this were Brown Vs the board of education which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of reducing discrimination and segregation within schools. However the NACCP failed to diminish discrimination totally the organization still managed to do some good in the fight for equality. Furthermore, whilst the likes of Du Bois were unable to make a direct impact on reducing discrimination, he was able to work alongside the NACCP using other methods to succeed in his goals, and together this would reduce discrimination more. Therefore the NACCP played a more important role than early individuals in reducing racial discrimination towards African Americans through its early successes in successes in removing segregation, and although things to come would show to be more valuable to the civil rights movement, the NACCP was still a vital element in setting the foundation of the civil rights movement for the future. Although individuals had led the campaign for civil rights for African Americans throughout the early 20th century and towards the end of the 19th, as WWII commenced it would prove to be a key factor in aiding reduction of racial discrimination. It helped to change attitudes towards black American’s, as they went to war; they were portrayed to be worthy American citizens which changed many white American’s attitudes towards them. The war also created stepping stones for the likes of Martin Luther King to breach into the civil rights movement, therefore not only did it have an impact on black American’s, it also created some success for many civil rights activists. However the war did nothing to reduce discrimination towards other ethnic minorities, for example Japanese Americans received much racial discrimination due to Japan’s role in WWII. Although the war was bad for the civil rights of Japanese Americans, Chinese American’s received a better way of life, with more civil rights as America forged a great political relationship with China after the war due to their help during it. Therefore WWII was a great influence on reducing racial discrimination within the USA for only certain minorities, although for the likes of Japanese American’s way of life got worse as they were sent to camps until the war ended due to suspicions. The war was more important than earlier individuals as it had a direct impact on reducing racial discrimination, and further effect in the emergence of fresh civil rights activists who would later have a significant role in the movement. As the attitudes towards African Americans changed after the war in the 1940’s many civil rights activists saw their time to join the civil rights movement. One of these activists was Martin Luther King who used methods of non-violence in order to gain sympathy from whites and in doing so change attitudes towards black Americans. Although his views were similar to those of Du Bois’ views, King had more effect on reducing racial discrimination. Particularly in attempts to eliminate desegregation. This was likely to be partly due to how far the civil rights movements had advanced by King’s time, in particularly down to WWII which changed attitudes. King gave confidence to Black American’s; he used television and media to convey his ideas through speeches which were very influential and very much a trait of his. King was often compared as similar to Washington and Du Bois, although he did much more to reduce discrimination. His direct actions in the likes of the Montgomery Bus boycott. This event was critical in reducing racial discrimination as it saw black Americans united as one to fight for their cause, its success showed that with the unity of African Americans civil rights could be achieved, and also proved that the likes of King needed events such as the boycott to achieve anything as an activist. This event was significant to him. Also significant to King’s civil rights success was the use of television. With the use of television violence towards African Americans could be shown to a wider audience across the USA, and could hange attitudes. Therefore although King was more significant than his predecessors Washington, Garvey and Du Bois as an activist, this was partly due to what King had to work with such as television. Further to this, the likes of civil rights activists such as Cesar Chavez who was in the fight for reducing discrimination within Mexican Americans followed King’s policies of non-violence, this showed King was not only having an effect on black Americans. Chavez led the first farm workers union in America which was successful to some extent, and led to the reduction of racial prejudice. Although this wasn’t much compared to what the likes King had achieved with his use of speeches. In contrast to King’s policy of non-violence was the up and coming idea of ‘Black Power’ during the 1960’s. Originating from Garvey, violent civil rights activist Malcolm X worked to make the ideology more popular. The idea supported segregation, and blacks being supreme compared to white Americans, and again highlighted the ideas of African Americans starting their own nation. X’s beliefs of gaining equality by ‘any means necessary’ contrasted with King’s beliefs of non-violence which made King and X much like enemies during the 1960’s. However, X’s ideas had little or none effect on passing legislation and reducing discrimination. Although alike to Garvey X gave black Americans confidence, noticeably within the northern ‘ghettos’ in highlighting important issues of violence within these areas. Therefore X’s views of violence were greatly frowned upon, which always put him in the shadow of King who was always more significant in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. In the early stages of the civil rights movement the government played little role in reducing racial discrimination. However presidents began to get involved in the movement as it persisted. Eisenhower had the first real involvement in the movement when he sent federal troops for assistance in Little Rock, and the government enforced the Supreme Court ruling of the Brown case in the town. Kennedy had planned to enforce a Civil Rights Bill, although this was later enforced via Johnson along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which gave black Americans the right to vote, and again reduced discrimination; this was a step in the right direction of equality. Further to this Nixon aimed to enforce desegregation in schools as well as helping the like of voting rights, employment discrimination and aid to the poor. Although Nixon was not as significant as Carter who later made attempts to get black Americans involved politically, appointing them in the judiciary. This enabled more blacks to have a say as well as improving their status in society. Therefore presidents played a key role as if they were for civil rights, then this could mean attitudes could be changed on a broader scale. This was important to the movement, and was more useful in reducing discrimination overall due to legislation passed which was showing that action was being taken against racial discrimination, unlike the role of previous activists such as Du Bois, Garvey, X and Washington who failed to have much impact on legislation. The most influential president was Johnson; he was able to pass legislation which made blacks equality to whites greater, such as the Voting Rights Act. Although the likes of King didn’t have the power to do this, civil rights activists made government aware of the racial situation in the USA. Therefore they were more significant than presidents. In the 1970’s and 1980’s further action brought forward the civil rights movement. The introduction of the Quota System meant that employers and universities had to take on a certain percentage of African Americans, and the situation for black Americans began to rapidly improve. Although this had much more significance than many activists in this later period, it was still influenced because of activists in the early stages of the civil rights movement, which make the likes of King more significant. In conclusion, in the period of 1877-1981 individuals were the most significant in reducing racial discrimination. Early activists such as Washington and Du Bois had little opportunity to reduce discrimination due to the widespread discrimination and the likes of the KKK, however, events such as WWII enabled activists to emerge, as attitudes towards African Americans had began to change. Using the ideologies of previous activists the most important individual King was able to use events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the likes of television to share his speeches and views, helping to pass legislation, change attitudes and give black Americans the confidence to further the civil rights movement. King helped to convey the on-going discrimination problem in the USA towards the government, which enabled presidents to take action with the likes of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which brought about further equality for blacks. Although towards the latter stages of the movement the government had more effect on reducing racial discrimination by passing legislation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Democratic Party Essay

Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students. Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students. Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students. Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students. Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students. Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students. Running as the Speaker of the House for the Democratic Party, we will ensure children will be receiving their education from a strong and healthy school. The Michelle Obama fitness plan promotes a healthier lifestyle for children in school. Her campaign is called â€Å"Let’s Move† and she has a lot to offer to families. This campaign offers all of the necessities needed in order to make healthy choices. This campaign also promises healthier food choices in the nations schools along with affordable, attainable, healthy food in their communities. Her plan motivates kids to be active in and out of school. We will also promise that students learning will be tested differently. Instead of multiple choice tests, which some students do not perform well, we will have more hands on tests. These types of tests will determine the placement of classes for students.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Global Food Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Global Food Crisis - Essay Example ems from an inability to feed the global poor as well as the financial burdens that shortages of food place on international governments and general citizens. There is no simplistic fix to this problem and therefore knowledge is power to assist innovators in aiding toward finding a quality solution to diminishing food supply. The purpose of this secondary, desk-based research study is to inform the general reader about the multitudes of problems associated with meeting supply versus demand volumes to feed the hungry and also sustain new product development efforts using food products. This information is worthy of consideration as the future of food production and distribution, currently, looks considerably bleak and it ultimately impacts the quality of life for virtually every international citizen. The information gleaned from this secondary research study provides new information and factual statistics about the current state of the global food situation as well as future projections that continue to paint a dismal picture of success in meeting food demand internationally. There is no specific target audience that would best gain from the knowledge provided in this study as the impact of the global food crisis has influence on scientists, government, general global citizens, and even stock market inve stors interested in commodity prices and value of their investment dollars. Russia, over the last two years, has experienced significant volume reduction on agricultural output of grain due to heatwaves and drought conditions that eroded more than one-third of the country’s entire crop output (Gorst, 2011). To ensure that the Russian people had enough stored grain to sustain its population’s needs, export bans were imposed on all wheat products until the country was able to improve total grain output. This export ban created a situation where wheat prices soared in European markets, leading to ongoing internationally-driven disapproval (Gorst). A similar

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MGMT Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGMT - Article Example Unions make the running of a business hard and constant rising within a union is troublesome ordeal. Ruth A. Binger has written an article on how to reduce the chances of a union being created in a business and provides ten ways on how she believes unions can be avoided. First she discusses the question of wages and benefits which is essential to every business and a sure way to keep employees happy is to give then wages worth their market value and provide some benefits to adjust to opportunities they lose. She also stresses on communication with those who work in a company while ensuring that those who are hired are of a specific educational level and made clear what unions will do to their situation in the company (Ruth A. Binger, 2009). She also provides an insight as to which particular brands of workers are at the core of unions being started and maintains that the best way to stop the problem is to make sure that those employees who don’t show any promise in the company are dealt with sooner rather than later. Ms. Binger is also prudent enough to detail outlines as to what the management can do if a union does arise in the midst of a company. Outlining proper training of those who are in unions and even the education the management of the company itself is, as she believes, required for ensuring a smooth working environment. The article provides a good base for companies and how to minimize unions. Her idea of promoting teamwork is not an original one but emphasis on it is a sure way to handle any uprising. Promoting teamwork will let the employees feel like they belong to a family and can help gain their trust while the idea of reaching out and resolving complaints and other problems as soon as possible is another sure way to reduce any grudges felt. However she should also mention that unions usually have strikes on their agenda which does not always help the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Practice of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Practice of Management - Essay Example The manager I am going to write about in this paper is the person whom I used to report while working in the marketing department of a reputed company. I used to work for that company as a marketing executive. In my whole professional career I worked under quite a few mangers, but this particular manger was undoubtedly the worst. He lacked all essential managerial skills. The most basic skill a manager should have is the ability to lead a team. Not surprisingly, this particular manager also seriously lacked this skill. I am now going to explain all the requisite skills a good manger should have in relationship to the manger I used to work under who seriously lacked all those skills.   Planning is surely the first step in achieving a goal. Planning is a holistic activity that requires a lot of thinking. It can be defined as setting goals and determining a course of action for attaining those goals. While planning, a manger must take the available resources, time and objectives into consideration. Planning marketing strategies call for scanning the competitive environment. Environmental scanning can be done through research and marketing intelligence. Without a clear understating of the competitive environment, a successful planning can not be formulated. Moreover, planning also requires allocation of resources and time for implementation of the plan. The success of a plan is measured how effectively and efficiently a goal has been achieved. This particular manager had a complete lack of skill in planning.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dissection and graded assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Dissection and graded - Assignment Example One of the control measures that I would take is sterilization of instruments used on the sick people. Despite the fact that operating on infected people is a tedious process, it is well known as the best manner through which a person or professional can control the spread of an infectious disease (Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada, 2014). Given that the professional does not acquire the disease, means that they do not get to transmit the disease with the patient to other people. Another control measure to take is quarantine. Quarantine is the method used to control the spread of a disease only in its initial stages because at the time it will have only infected few people. A few infections are possible to control and thus the use of this means exponentially (New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, 2008). While people are under quarantine, it is possible for professions to test them while wearing gasmasks that will allow them to carry out their activities without catching the disease. From the tests, there is the hope of getting the causative agent and control the spread early. After reading the article, the infectious agent that caused the disease is Shigella Sonnei. This facultative anaerobic bacterium lacks the ability to move due to the lack of flagella (Niyogi, 2010). The incubation period of this bacterium is normally around 3 to 4 days. The investigator identifies several causes of the infection and it is clear to state that the main factors that he states are the most common (Bloestein, 1991). However, in the study, there are some areas not mentioned that ought to receive attention. One of the causes is the poor usage of public facilities and failure to maintain clean practices (Department of Health, 2014). Another cause of the bacterium is the high number of people using water bodies poorly and then later on using the same

Radiohead - No Surprises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Radiohead - No Surprises - Essay Example But suddenly, all over the world, gothic culture broke out, arresting conservatism and demanding the right to be musically deranged. Alice Cooper drank chicken blood on stage. For some reason, Ozzy Osborne bit the head off of a bat. Graphic tattoos, pythons and tongue piercings had become boring. Out of nowhere, a musical emancipation pronounced darker theories of death and pain that drew many punk rockers and pop culture fans into the dark. John Lennon was replaced by Marilyn Manson. Novelist Tom Wolfe labeled the 70s as the ‘Me’ Decade in â€Å"The ‘Me’ Decade and the Third Great Awakening". By the late 1970s, a culture of black lipstick, blood and men adopting female names had grown into its own genre. The State of California was easing its ban of marijuana and by 1979, the Gay Movement was red hot. Roughly between 1971 and 1984, everybody was in some type of artistic movement and expressed themselves through music. It was this era that inspired the gothic music genre unification of punk rockers, heavy metal fans, and even some conservative Rock-n-Rollers through the World Wide Web. In 1985, Jonny and Colin Greenwood, Thom York, Ed O’Brien, and Phil Selway joined the melodic movement of the misunderstood as Radiohead in Oxfordshire, England. Influenced by alternative rock, American indie and surges of punk and Britpop that surrounded them locally, the band brought their own kind of ‘strange’ to Rock. This paper is an exploration of a new era genre of music; particularly that of the fairly new punk rock band Radiohead. The focus of the study of the linguistic analysis of the musical style and songs including, Ok Computers, The Bends, and Radiohead’s 1997 release No Surprises, within the context of popular music idioms and rock. 1.1 Radiohead Radiohead was formed in Oxford because all the band members grew up and attended secondary school in Oxfordshire (Osborne, 2004: 15). Through their use of harmony, disruptive melodic figuration and rhythm, Radiohead has been able to build a reputation by accumulating a distinctive musical language, and by drawing from a musical palette characterized by a strained relationship between mainstream expectation and convention. The band’s music style is based upon garage band effects: loud and expressive, much like the American grunge bands Nirvana, Sound Garden and Pearl Jam (Hiburn, 1998:7). A significant part of Radiohead’s reputation as original composers and performers of music, punk-ish rock that did not conform to stereotypical pop-music expectations and norms. A vital part of engaging with their music is being able to track the events that form associations for the Radiohead-listener with equal events in a single Radiohead song or album (Moore, 2003: 58). Radiohead’s early music was rather mainstream. Radiohead’s first two studio recordings seemed quite primitive due to lack of a provocative esotericism that came to be associated in their later works. The making of OK Computers played a large role as a significant paradigm shift for the band, arti stically and musically (Tate, 2005: 14). Both of their first two albums, 1993’s Pablo Honey and 1995’

Thursday, July 25, 2019

1. Who is Cathy Crowe 2. Who is Gabor Mate Essay

1. Who is Cathy Crowe 2. Who is Gabor Mate - Essay Example The book delves into stereotypes the homeless have to go through as they attempt to improve their living conditions. Crowe also creates the contrast existing in Canada, a country that is considered among the rich in the world but also has some of its citizens being homelessness. Crowe has also presented lectures on homelessness in different institutions and halls. Crowe serves as Ryerson University practitioner where she visits the institution to interact with students on matters around social justice covering topics such as affordable housing for al Canadians and homelessness in general. Crowe has adopted a practical approach in her lectures, which involves walking through the streets while discussing and demonstrating issues on health, poverty and homelessness (Shahzad, 2013). Due to her input into the homelessness debate, Crowe has received various recognitions including honorary degrees and awards such as the International Nursing Ethics Award while also featuring as the subject in a documentary â€Å"Street Nurse† produced by renowned filmmakers Emmy and Gemini (Diebel, 2010). MateÃŒ  is a renowned speaker and author focusing on subjects such as stress, various forms of addiction and childhood development. MateÃŒ  perspective in these subjects involves analysis of situations based on case histories, scientific investigations and personal reflections aimed to encourage, enlightens and empowers people to recover from particular mental conditions. Matà ©, a professional doctor derives his experience from years he served in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside where he interacted with many patients suffering from mental diseases HIV/AIDs and addicted to hard-core drugs. Additionally MateÃŒ  has over twenty years of experience in palliative care and family practice. Gabor Matà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s experience in mental illness is based on his past as a Jewish born in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Avant-Gardism, Modernism, and the Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Avant-Gardism, Modernism, and the Arts - Essay Example Avant-gardism was a single important part on the natal of modernism. The existence of avant-garde is regarded by many as a focal point of shying away from the norms of the old societies; transcending from the common practices in art. Many artists, initially poets, adapted the idea of shifting their focus to a different form of artwork by not importing any old conformist ideas. Various innovative lines of attack had converged on putting aside obsolete precepts, knowledge and philosophies and form a new body of knowledge or artistic slant. The idea of avant-garde somehow created a line of separation between ordinary people and the artists who were considered mortal because of the new concept they have introduced to the society. The radical concept of recoiling from the past practices and the birth of Modernism begot sub-categorical new notions: expressionism, impressionism, and symbolism. Modernism is a thought that cropped up during the industrial revolution. Modernism was the manifes tation of the need to adapt to the new developments and ideas of the industrial era, and was conveyed through different art forms: literature, sculpture, paintings, etc. Still unavoidably, there was an act to resists the rapid revolutionary changes in most artworks. This has often been manifested in the visual arts and by the overall favour for the complicated. It was differing from the modernistic inclinations to streamline methods and to abridge ornamental details. Modernism poured in much concentration.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Law and Practice Disciplinary Violation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law and Practice Disciplinary Violation - Essay Example The Law of Confidence pertains to the issue of information that is deemed to be confidential and will include trade secrets, copyrighted and other sensitive information, including the right to its protection and remedy for the infringement through breach of confidence and trust by employees. (a) A new three-step dispute resolution process for employers and employees under the Employment Act has been introduced as of October 1, 2004. 1 According to these provisions, reasons for dismissal or disciplinary action must be put into writing, a face to face meeting must be arranged for discussing the dismissal and the employee must be given a chance to appeal. In the event an employer fails to follow the proper procedure and adhere to all three steps, then penalties will accrue to the employer while the employee may be automatically entitled to claims of unfair dismissal if he/she has been employed for more than a year at the firm in question. Moreover, instant dismissal of an employee, even in cases of gross misconduct, is automatically unfair unless, at the very least, a two-stage procedure is followed, wherein the employee is provided written notice of dismissal and provided the right to appeal. In cases of serious misconduct, it may be legal to dismiss an employee without no tice, however, it is better to suspend the employee first while investigations are carried out to ensure that allegations against the employee are substantiated. What must be considered in Sandra’s case is Alan’s summary dismissal, which has not allowed her the opportunity to appeal the decision to fire her. Continuous service with a Company entitles the employee to a policy of fairness in providing written the notice of the reasons for dismissal and the opportunity to offer any defence. Most companies follow such policies, especially when the employee has  been with the Company for a long time.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community Service as a Graduation Requirement Essay Example for Free

Community Service as a Graduation Requirement Essay A wise person once said, â€Å"If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path. † This particular quote has helped me realize that not enough teenagers are helping their community become a more desirable place to live. Implementing community service into the senior project outline as a requirement would ultimately benefit the students and the community. Not only will the students become more aware of the activities that occur in their community, but they will also have a greater sense of self. Each student has his own reason for volunteering. Many volunteer for the joy of helping others, and some volunteer to seek career opportunities. Simply volunteering at a place that is related to the career one is interested in will help him determine whether that career is suited for him. Bill Jensen, Superintendent of Curriculum for Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation, agrees with community service being connected to career choices and provides examples. â€Å"We’ve seen students that have gone in to help at the hospital and all of a sudden see that the job is something they are really passionate about. Then we see some students that volunteer at the animal shelter and they find that they would never be able to euthanize an animal, so they have to consider finding a different career† (Jensen). Selecting a career is challenging enough, let alone discovering that the career one chose was not the best and having to choose another. Volunteering provides teens with opportunities outside of finding a career that gives them the necessary skills to help them survive the real world. Students will gain knowledge from volunteering that will lead to increasing their communication and interpersonal skills (Keeler). It can also help with the confidence of stretching ones wings at work, because he or she has already been taught the necessary skills for that job. (____). Community service would be in the best interest for the students that are seniors in high school, so that they have time to commit to a career before going to college and spending time and money on classes that are not necessary. Meeting new people while participating in community service can help students build a network of individuals who could be valuable resources when deciding a future career. The greater number of people one comes in contact with will increase the possibilities of making a productive contact. In order to meet new people, one must step out of his comfort zone. â€Å"Anytime you step out of your comfort zone, you are going to grow as an individual,† says Mark Newell, Principal of Columbus East High School (Newell). While some people are naturally outgoing, others have a hard time meeting new people. Meeting with people on a regular basis that posses the same interests can help with developing social skills(_____). Finding the confidence within oneself to reach out to different groups will allow a better understanding of the numerous cultures that are present in the community. The diversity in American communities impacts Americans’ perception of the world. Americans can observe the countless actions of people from different cultures that differentiate them from the American culture. Since each and every person is unique, Americans are taught at a young age not to judge others. Not one person is the same, whether it is the customs between cultures, or just simply looks and personalities. Each culture has a different way of communicating, and community service can help a person develop the skills to be able to communicate with someone outside of his culture. Finding ways to interpret language into a relatively easy way of understanding is difficult, but it also challenges critical thinking and problem solving skills. People often tend to only think deeply about the issues that involve them, are important to them, or that they are interested in. This is why Americans have such a difficult time learning about other ethnic backgrounds. If the culture and traditions are far different from their own, they will refuse to accept any others because Americans were raised to believe certain things and choose not to adopt anything new. In some studies, it has been shown that there are multiple academic and personal development benefits in socializing with other races (Chang). Volunteering is a great way to interact with people from other cultures. By volunteering, individuals learn to appreciate other cultures’ initiative and hard work that they put into helping the community as well as teaching the volunteer more about the world, and the people that surround him each and every day. Less fortunate people in various places attempt to reach out for help all the time. The minute people take time out of their busy schedules to assist an individual will be the moment in which they open their eyes to the world outside of their own. To help the less fortunate is to demonstrate a concern for the welfare without judging them or blaming them for their circumstances. Compassion does not blame a victim, but seeks to offer assistance no matter what the situation (____). Many people lack the resources that some others have, and possessing necessary items and being successful in life cannot be controlled. The desire to obtain the necessary items is not always present, but who is to say that they are not trying? The failures in succeeding lead to negative attitudes towards continuing to give effort. Some people object to offering help because they believe it may cause dependency, or they believe that leaving them alone will teach them some personal responsibility. What is not understood is the difference between offering assistance, and creating a co-dependent relationship (___). Instead of pushing someone everyday to change their life around, one can give something small and still make a big difference. Community service gives support and relieves the negative energy directed to the less fortunate from society, while attempting to develop better habits for a better life. The process of transforming an unknown human being into a person with importance is time consuming. â€Å"The time it takes to help someone else in a small way is not wasted when it improves someone else’s well-being† (Brannagan). Once the volunteer feels as though he has improved the life of another person and there is evidence to show that the other person is no longer living in disadvantaged conditions, then the frequency of giving and the amount given from the volunteer is increased. To witness the improvement is a priceless matter and should give the volunteer the feeling of unconditional giving. Making a difference in someone’s life gives personal satisfaction and helps teens develop a better appreciation for the little things in life (Keeler). Community service is the voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. It should never be mistaken with a paid job or a guaranteed career. Volunteers can help communities save money by allowing them to spend the money on local improvements rather than using the funds to hire help. Studies show that communities with high rates of participation apply for and receive more funding than those with less participation. In addition, participating communities achieve greater citizen satisfaction with their community (Reid). There are a variety of opportunities given for students to volunteer. Examples of volunteer work include babysitting, house chores for the elderly, tutoring, mentoring, park clean-ups, coaching a little league sports team, or collecting cans for food banks to help feed the hungry, all of which are just a few compared to the millions not listed. The choice of service to which the volunteer devotes his time depends upon his personal interests or experiences. If someone has an interest in dancing, he or she might teach young girls ballet twice a week. If someone grew up in an abusive home, then he or she might volunteer his time towards helping others that have been abused seek help. The only ones among you who will be truly happy will be those who have sought and found how to serve† (Heim). The strength of the community becomes persistent when there are many volunteers to contribute to the everyday duties that need to be fulfilled. Requiring community service of students, either as a course or graduation requirement, will continue their engagement with community service organizations beyond their mandatory completion. It is very common for students to become emotionally connected to the communities that they serve while performing required service and for the students to want to maintain their connection with those communities (Khanna). The connection between the student and the community reveals how much the student truly cares about giving. Community service will show him the functions of the world and the people around him on a daily basis. Once he is involved, he will soon realize that there is more work to be done than there are people willing to voluntarily help out. The volunteers that have assisted many people have most likely experienced good karma. What goes around comes around, and one act of kindness can expose this proverb. This saying connects to the saying that I originally was inspired by that told of how lighting a lamp for someone can help with finding one’s own way. Making community service as a graduation requirement shows students how it benefits them as well as the community in many different ways.

Hurricane Katrina Was a Man-Made and Natural Disaster Essay Example for Free

Hurricane Katrina Was a Man-Made and Natural Disaster Essay The hurricane, of course, was a natural disaster. The after effects like the levees breaching, people starving and dieing in the streets, how the government handle the situation were all man made. The reason being a man made were , The man-made part of the disaster is that the government knew the levees wouldnt hold up in a Category 3 hurricane, and they didnt shore them up anyway. What was also man-made was the fact that the government told people to go to the Superdome, and when they did, they were stranded and many died a painful death. The reason being a natural disaster, New Orleans is below sea level, there wasnt much anyone could do to prevent it. A lot of people say that President Bush was lazy and uncaring about the problem and refused to help. However, the truth is he couldnt. In the case of a natural disaster, its up to the Governor of said area to either fix the problem or call in for help. The Governor in charge of that 5 years ago failed to respond, putting our former president in a tough situation. Eventually the government stepped in when it was clear there was no other choice, but saying Katrina was Bushs fault is like saying the oil spill is Obamas. It was a terrible natural disaster that happened 5 years ago, I say we put the past in the past.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Tourism And Economic Development In The Caribbean Tourism Essay

Tourism And Economic Development In The Caribbean Tourism Essay The Caribbean is known for its beautiful islands and breath-taking shores. There are numerous sites in this region of thousands of diverse islands. To list a few reasons as to why its a huge attraction to tourists from all over the world, then the coral reefs, colorful fruits, golf courses, sailboats and the wonderful sunsets at the beach are just the tip of the ice burg. Its the perfect place to relax with the family and a Caribbean holiday is the best place if anyone is seeking for a little adventure. The Caribbean seems to have everything for a great vacation from horse riding to hiking, wildlife tourism and much more. Everything from exploring the beautiful waterfalls, going kayaking upriver and even canoeing gives the Caribbean the top most position in tourism category. The Caribbean has both extinct and live volcanoes. It gives a definite adrenaline rush for tourists seeking it. Its tropical rainforests consists of rare and exotic animal species. It is by all means, absolutely beautiful. The Caribbean region consists of thousands of islands and to name a few that are of great tourists interest and as stated in Anguilla UK, Antigua Barbuda, Aruba ~ Netherlands, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe ~ France, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Martinique ~ France, Montserrat ~ UK, Netherland Antilles, Puerto Rico ~ US, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent Grenadines, Trinidad Tobago, Turks Caicos ~ UK and US Virgin Island. Its not only about the adventures but the Caribbean features cites of its rich heritage and unique architecture. If we were to take a look into the most popular tourist attraction in the Caribbean then this would definitely include the Barbados; a small island also called as little England during the British era. It is called so, because it still contains a part of the thriving British legacy, cricket, Anglo Saxon activity and high tea. We have Antigua Barbuda that has more than 356 beaches (representing one for every year). This too is another popular tourist attraction. Then there is Guyana which is a one of the independent members in the Caribbean. It is also known for its beaches and countless rivers and lakes. The best side to it is that gold deposits and diamonds can be found at the river bottoms and hillsides. This place is popular for yachting and sailing. Another beautiful island is ST Lucida. This island is known for its mountains that are covered with forests and the wildlife in it. Such other marvelous sites in the Caribbeans are St Martin, Trinidad, Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands and much more. Situated in the Caribbean Sea is the Roatan Honduras Island that has brought the economy a constant dramatic increase due to the scuba diving fans. This place offers its visitors everything, ranging from marine wildlife to scuba lessons and even certification. It is know for its coral which is very diverse and can be seen easily. Here, tourism is well developed, hotels are well equipped and the resorts are numerous. This place is even called the Caribbeans best kept secret. It is no doubt one of the most beautiful sites and experiences to have. According to Gmelch, George (Behind the Smile: the Working Lives of Caribbean Tourism. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 2003), the Caribbean governments welcome tourists with warm hearts because they realized that the Caribbean economy is completely dependant on tourism, also being referred to as the engine of their growth. Economic development in the Caribbean has benefited merchants, farmers, fishermen and many more. According to Pattullo, Polly. (Last Resorts: the Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean. London: Cassell, 1996), Tourism is a huge contributor to the economies of all Caribbean countries and the biggest contributor to many of them such as Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas and the Virgin Islands Yolande Wilson MBA 08 In the Caribbean Tourism Fueled by Hotel Development: The Good and the Bad, explains that the success of Caribbean tourism is probably because people have the thoughts of aqua blue waters, warm sand beaches and luxury images on their minds. It is these precise thoughts that play a large role in the tourism business in the Caribbean. This puts all the focus on the tourism companies, services industries and real estate development. Tourism in the Caribbean is as early as 1862 where Jamaica had health spas and cruises that ran to the island but now, the tourism industries in the Caribbean estimates an anticipated contribution of over 18.7 billion dollars by 2011. Another author named C. James Hospedales wrote about the importance of tourism to Caribbean development in (Healthy Tourism in the Caribbean) Saturday, 22nd September 2007. He explained that 25 billion dollars were the gross output in the Caribbean tourism with more than 12 million tourists arriving for stay in the Caribbean and more than 6 million cruise ships. Hotels were completely booked and tourism became very important to the Caribbean economy. Tourism in the Caribbean is even compared to oil in the Middle East. They have also made it a motto Caribbean development through quality tourism which made it clear that the economy will be completely dependant on tourism for the coming years. With the arrival of the internet on 1995 which made it possible to spread the word of all the good and bad news. It was an effective tool in informing the world about this ravishing country. There was also the European tour operators whom made it easy for the tourists to get to the Caribbean from the European countries. However, with the success of increasing arrivals of tourists that helped boost the countrys economy, it also brought in the possibility of diseases being imported from different parts of the world. Yet this did not stop the Caribbean tourism organization from making sure that such issues along with injuries are minimized to its lowest. Their vision was that the Caribbean to be the safest, happiest, and healthiest of comparable destinations in the world Its obvious that tourism has affected the economy of the Caribbean region. These effects are mainly due to the travel and tourism industries. Through Paul McDaniels point of view, an eHow contributing writer in The effects of Tourism in the Caribbean, the economy was affected both positively and negatively. From these effects, wed notice that it includes the Caribbeans utmost and complete reliance on tourism and travel industries. But because, most of these tourism companies are never usually based in a particular Caribbean island, much of the money made does not stay on the Caribbean. This may also appear as a disadvantage for the Caribbean. However, without the competing companies, the economy could also be highly affected. However, David Jessop wrote about Grasping the full economic impact of Caribbean tourism Sunday | September 23, 2007 and questioned if the governments truly understood the importance of tourism, which in his words is the industry that now underwrites the regional economy. He provided reports that were produced over the last 2 years that explained the positive impact tourism had on the economy. These reports were based on the studies produced, supported and encouraged by the Caribbean tourism organization and Caribbean hotel association. It was a clear demonstration to the government that tourism has become the dominant force in the Caribbean. In these reports, the Caribbean tourism is expected to get over 56.1 billion dollars economically with about 15% increase in tourism employment from 2007 to 2017. Basically these earnings are expected to grow over 3 percent per year. Therefore, from these readings its pretty clear that the Caribbean region is economically dependent on the touris m industry. However, if these industries do not remain competitive, then the economic boost could come to an end. The problems that face the Caribbean tourism industry are those of globalization as well as interdependence. Therefore the beauty and nature of the country will not be enough to make the regions case. It requires the government to play a role in supporting it to the fullest. Whether its decreasing the taxes, providing public health education or even changing the policies to fit the countrys increasing economy. In a pacific islands report written by Sir Ronald Sanders in the Benefits of Caribbean tourism must be shared, he wrote about another problem that could affect the tourism industry in the Caribbean which is surprisingly the racial division notion in the island. This existing problem causes constant discomfort among many hotel owners that are expatriates, managers and the citizens yet they dare not deal with it. These problems are being left depressed like the racial division between the ownership on one side and the workers on the other. This problem is expected to worsen in the future if not dealt with now. Given the growing size of tourists coming into the country every year, it would keep requiring a large size of financial investments for the resorts and hotels in the Caribbean. These investments are primarily funded by the white expatriates that own tourism companies and can build or own resorts and any other tourism aspects in the business. This may seem as a problem because th e profits in this case are sent abroad. The country does not benefit and the balance is disturbed. In an abstract written by Harry G. Matthews, 6 May 2009 Radicals and third world tourism: A Caribbean focus, he talks about the metropolitan tourism in third world countries that have brought to question the tourist industries in a more political and social way. He talks about how it could affect the country and in this case, the Caribbean. He believes that tourism is an intrusion which is of metropolitan type, developed by the white people into the world of non-white. He also believes that these are merely fantasies sold to the tourists, causing the rise of cultures in countries like the Caribbean. Therefore the solution lies with the government of these countries where they are trying to bring forth an increase in sophistication. However, it is uncertain of how this action would actually take place. A critique; Tom Womeldorff analyzes the Caribbean tourism in an interesting way in Caribbean tourism: A Critical analysis 10/14/2009. He writes about the western mentality of escaping to tropical islands with exotic animals, plants and warm sunsets. This fantasy is offered by the Caribbean tourism resorts and travel agencies that aim to fulfill the western dream. And recently, the market has included the catering of tourists whom want to experience the exotic island to the fullest. These tourism agencies are expanding to provide whatever desires that could have tourist dollars following it. Therefore these tourist industries carefully construct the hotels and resorts to meet the conceptions and needs of tourists. This perception to perfection however comes with a cost. Although it provides as a source of income to the Caribbean people, it has made them completely commoditized because it requires that they put all their focus in the tourism programme, to make every thing possible. In The state and tourism: a Caribbean perspective by Hilton McDavid, Diaram Ramajeesingh, the abstract mentions an important something to think about and its how the tourism industries are now the center of attention. This is because the country is now tourism dependant. But does the government do what it takes to make sure that the social and environmental needs are taken care off? In this journal, the writers believe that the government have to work harder in order to shape the tourism industries in a way that every sector in the Caribbean benefits. The Stabroek staff  | February 5, 2010 in  Business the Caribbean tourism industry raise an important question Will the 2009 nightmare push regional tourist destinations towards diversification. It is true that the Caribbean got caught up in the economic crisis that took away jobs, homes, savings and much more. The Caribbean people were beginning to wonder if they have to shift towards diversification for their economic incomes. The number of tourists drastically changed and Caribbean development bank activities showed a significant decline. Sharply declining tourist arrivals according to the CDB with other investments, the main transmission channels of the crisis to regional economies. However it appears that the Caribbean has settled down from all the economic problems and found its comfort zone where its reassured that the tourists will keep coming in. the CDG even reports that the growth is expected to return and is likely to become the same by 2011. Although the whole economy of the country, peoples jobs and welfare cannot wait till the crises associated with the whole world is recovered, diversification for a better economy should be considered. In Caribbean tourism looking toward an improvement in 2010 by Linda Hutchinson-Jafar, Jan 28, 2010, after the economic crises that effected the countrys economy due to the decline in tourists rate, the Caribbean tourism industry began improving despite criminal and tax problems in some of the islands. And the earthquake that hit Haiti did not affect the islands economy much. Chastanet said, during and annual event in the Caribbean We will probably end the year 5.6 percent down but were looking for a strong rebound in 2010 And a hotel owner Rene Seepersadsingh The economic situation globally impacted negatively on Tobago. Hotels reported as much as a 40 percent decline in stayover, particularly from the British and the German markets As for Jamaica, it was seeing a 4% increase in arrivals while the other islands were reporting a decline in 2009. This is probably because it was running ads on television across North America, tempting them to join the warm summers. They were very successful with their ads as Barlett who works at the airlines said For this winter season now beginning, we have a record 1 million (airline) seats which is the largest number we ever had. The unusual part is that Jamaica continues to attract tourists even though it is categorized as one of the most violent countries in the world. The murder and crimes rates were 1,680 last year alone. Barlett believes that Its a contradiction. The most iconic attraction in Jamaica is the people. It belies the crime statistics Finally the most spoke about topic in the Caribbean tourism is HARPOONING CARIBBEAN TOURISM: SWALLOWING A DEAD RAT by Sir Ronald Sanders Sunday, March 14, 2010. The new attractions that require full support by the Caribbean governments are the whale watching activities. There was an international meeting held in Martinique from February 18 to 21 on what they call Sustainable Blue tourism in the Caribbean, specifically urging the Caribbean government to not only support this attraction but to protect the marine wildlife and mammal population by providing sustainable jobs to the fishermen. This new attraction is bound too boost the economy situation and the exotic fantasies keep getting better. Thus the Caribbean keeps finding ways to attract tourists and its economy although highly dependant on tourism yet, very rich.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gulf War :: essays research papers

The Gulf War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the early morning of August the second 1990, Saddam Hussein and a fleet of tanks as well as 100,000 thousand troops invaded neighboring Kuwait with out provocation or warning. Iraq also had surface-to-surface missiles to take complete control of Kuwait; this all took place just hours after Saddam Hussein had assured neighboring countries that there would under no circumstances be an invasion. George Bush entered the Gulf War for the sole reason of recovering the oil and Kuwaiti Boolean that Saddam Hussein had stolen. President George Bush’s goal in entering the war was to recover the stolen oil from the Iraqi’s, and ensure that it continues to be sold at a reasonable amount by the Kuwaiti’s, rather than have the prices raised or even the threat of being cut off by Saddam Hussein; there was also an extreme threat that the Iraqi’s possessed nuclear weapons which would endanger all bordering countries. The President said that anything less than the full cooperation of the Iraqi troops and tanks would result in immediate action by the U.S troops in his address to the people. Bush also demanded that full restoration of the Kuwaiti government must also take place rather than the puppet regime that was established by Saddam Hussein after his take over. This was one of the many incidents that lead President George Bush to take action against the Iraqi’s due to their involvement in the Persian Gulf crisis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United Nations placed sanctions upon Iraq, which lead to the starvation of one point two million Iraqi civilians. It was also the cause of the famine rate amongst children from the age five and below to rise almost one quarter from its rate the previous year. 960,000 women and children dead due to the sanctions brought forth by the UN. The sanctions, which were brought forth, involved the immediate hold put on all food, clothing, and medicines from entering Iraq. The points of the sanctions were to weaken the strength of Saddam Hussein and his task forces. In July of 1997 the U.S government held a press conference stating that it was indeed true that the figure was actually well over one point two million Iraqi civilians were killed due to the sanctions. This was one of the major set backs in the campaign of President Bush among the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another fact that set President Bush back was the belief of the people that it was not worth putting the lives of American troops on the line for oil.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sumner - Brooks Incident :: essays research papers

Preston Brooks was born in Edgefield District, South Carolina on August 5th, 1819. He graduated from South Carolina College (now known as the University of South Carolina), in 1839, and after he graduated he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1845. Brooks also served in the Mexican-American War with the Palmetto Regiment. After he had returned from the war, Brooks fought a duel with future Texas Senator Louis T. Wigfall. In the duel, Brooks was shot in the hip, forcing him to use a walking cane for the rest of his life. In 1853, Brooks was elected to the 33rd Congress as a member of the Democratic Party. While in office, Brooks had met an anti-slavery campaigning Senator named Charles Sumner. Charles Sumner was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and graduated from Harvard law school in 1830. He edited a law review, the American Jurist, and served as a reporter for the United States Circuit Court. Sumner also lectured on constitutional and international law at Harvard ’s law school for three winter terms. Sumner first became a politician in 1845, while the Mexican-American War was in dispute. In an Independence Day speech before city officials in Boston, Sumner denounced the use of war for settling international disputes and promoted arbitration instead. He also opposed the annexation of Texas and criticized the institution of slavery. From these speeches, Sumner was known as a keen and favored public speaker. In 1848, Sumner abandoned the Whig party in support of Martin Van Buren’s unsucc essful Free-Soil campaign for presidency. In 1851, a Democratic-Free-Soil coalition in the Massachusetts legislature chose Sumner to fill the U.S. Senate seat of Daniel Webster, who had resigned to become Secretary of State. While Sumner was in the Senate, he became a leader of the anti-slavery-forces. During the debates on slavery in Kansas in May 1856, Sumner delivered a two-day oration called "The Crime against Kansas", that brutally defamed Southern expansion of slavery. When Sumner gave this speech, Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina believed that Sumner had insulted his uncle, Senator Andrew Butler. Brooks backfired and used his cane to beat Sumner, who was seated at his desk on the Senate floor, until he was unconscious. Sumner, bleeding profusely, had to be carried out of the room. Sumner’s injuries from the beating kept him out of office for three years. The severe beating on the Senate floor helped escalate the tensions that led to the Civil War and became a huge symbol for both the North and South.

A Portrait of Dorian Gray :: A Portrait of Dorian Gray

A Portrait of Dorian Gray â€Å"He began to wonder whether we could ever make psychology so absolute a science that each little spring of life would be revealed to us†. Lord Henry spent many days merely philosophizing about the power of the mind and how it could be manipulated. Exercising his abilities of control and influence was what Harry lived for, and when Dorian uttered the fateful phrase wishing to trade places with the portrait, he was not striking a bargain with the Lord of Darkness, but rather one of his rogues. Lord Henry assumed the role of temptation and lured the naà ¯ve Dorian into a legacy of abominable deeds and sordid affairs. Dorian received the benefits of Harry’s charm, wit, and views. As for payment, Dorian surrendered any control he may have had over his own thoughts, decisions, or emotions. Harry was able to pursue his quest for mind control and perform his own psychological experiments as he willed. The matter of the portrait that had plagued Dorian for most of hi s adult life can easily be explained. The painting was merely his guilt that had manifested and displaced itself as figment of his imagination. For although he had traded his self control for superficial characteristics, he still remained the owner of his soul. Harry slowly exerts control over Dorian in two simple ways. First he implants ideas and reactions into Dorian’s sub-conscience leading him to believe that the thoughts that are flowing from his head are his own, not Lord Henry’s. After Sybil’s death, Harry consoles Dorian, or at least that is how Dorian sees the encounter. â€Å"You have explained me to myself, Harry†¦I felt all that you have said, but somehow I was afraid of it, and I could not express it to myself. How well you know me!†. It is not that Harry knows Dorian so well, but that Lord Henry has influenced and molded Dorian’s coping mechanisms. The young man will now follow this pattern of denial each time he is faced with remorse, guilt, or sadness. Henry himself admits to the fact that he is experimenting with Dorian, â€Å"It was clear to him that the experimental method was the only method by which one could arrive at any scientific analysis of the passions: and certainly Dori an Gray was a subject made to his hand, and seemed to promise rich and fruitful results†.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Profound book Essay

In his profound book on Theism, J. L. Mackie, who is widely considered a champion of the atheistic school discusses the various bases on which the concept of God is founded, perceived and practiced the world over. In so doing, he touches upon the various approaches that have either necessitated God or have described God. In chapter 9, which Mackie has aptly named the â€Å"Problem of Evil†, he questions the basis of the description of God provided by almost all the religions of the world and all the theistic philosophies at one point of time or another. God is described according to traditional theism, as omnipotent (and omniscient) and wholly good. Mackie’s question starts with the poser â€Å".. and yet there is evil in this world. How can this be? † (Mackie, 150). The question that Mackie poses and the logic he supplies are wholly satisfactory to the intellect to understand and appreciate his question, to say the least. Mackie argues that according to the initially plausible and widely admitted premise, Good is opposed to evil that being good eliminates Evil. Proceeding with the same logic, a good and potent being eliminates Evil as far as he can and God being Omnipotent and, there being no limits to His capacity, there should be no Evil at all. Mackie goes on to point out (rather gleefully) â€Å"then we do have a contradiction. A wholly good omnipotent would eliminate evil completely; if there really are evils, then there cannot be any such being† (Mackie, 150) A very well made argument indeed. However, the proponents of Theism and Religion have addressed the problem of evil and this logical paradox on the existential basis for ages together. But sadly, those arguments have never been to counter a clever poser as Mackie’s. However, it is not entirely impossible to adopt those answers to this obvious rejection of God on a quirky basis of a logical exemption. In most Theistic concepts, read Religion, God has indeed been described as omnipotent and completely good. But all Religions have taken note of eh fact that God did not will his creation to be a static equilibrium. It has been ordained to be a Dynamic equilibrium. All dynamics as logics permit can happen only when there are at the least two opposite directions and two opposing forces. Creation has been described as the collusion of two opposing or differing forces giving birth to new . All religions envisage creation as such. Heightened awareness of the power of two different, (not necessarily opposing) and individual powers have been found in the deification of the Shiva Linga (the phallus) in the (rather primitive for some) Hindu religious symbols and the concept of Ying and Yang that pervades the ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine. More than attributing Good as a characteristic to God, most Religions have described God as an omnipotent being who is beyond definition or a being from whom Definitions originate. Therefore a creation that has good, as perceived by Human mind and the inherent logic and Evil, as held repulsive by civilization are both creations of God. God is described as a singularity that is beyond the grasp of any man made attempts to attain it including Logic. More over all religions hold central the belief that the Universe is a grand design (and some religions which provide ample space for mysticism in their practice call it a Game God created to entertain himself). Consciousness is an ability God has provided Human being to be able to entertain the thoughts of quest for truth and try to decipher the secrets behind the creation. If consciousness is provide by God, then the entire capabilities covering the gamut of good to evil are all provided by god so that man can continue his (most probably, the ordained) task of quest for truth and die trying. ( Let us imagine God gave Tiger Woods his prowess in Golf, he also gave him his handicaps so that Woods can justify his life by trying continuously to overcome them and pit himself against several other god given powers of other golfers and justify his attempts at perfection) To Him, He being the singularity beyond the grasp of logic, reasoning and justice, He, who is the source of all definitions, Good and evil are part of the equilibrium he has provided Man with, to play out his life and continue the evolution of Civilization as per the design of God. Therefore, it is entirely possible to have God who is fondly defined as omnipotent and the personification of unending Good and kindness to allow Evil to exist as a small counter force to help establish the dynamics in the world. Though there are mythological stories that abound with the stories of incarnation of God triumphing over one form of evil or another, it is entirely the manifestations of the Theological concepts which use stories of God to guide man in his quest for morality which again is an underlying concept of the happening Universe, God must have envisaged. The existence of Evil is like the directions along a road on a long journey. If there is a signal, which entrusts the person on the journey to take right, drive east or any other direction, it is understood that by taking the opposite direction, he would go away from his goal. The presence of the opposite direction is not proof enough to say that the correct direction is not the right direction. It is the supreme power which has conceived both directions and stands aback amused to see if in its grand design, its creation, the man on the undertaking the journey, uses its consciousness and the powers of reasoning (again provided by Him) in making the correct judgment or not. Therefore the argument (which is precisely that, an argument) does not stand that the presence of Evil nullifies the probability of having an Omnipotent, omniscient being, which is wholly good called God. Let us take the analogy of the Games, which we had briefly touched upon in the case of Tiger woods. Why does a man create opposing teams with opposing goals and efforts in the opposite direction to entertain himself, say as in Football? It is to provide the necessary conflict that can make the game interesting and entertaining. By the same token, God provides for opposing moralities to see if the being he created (most religions fondly believe in His likeness) exercises his god-given prowess of understanding, logic and reasoning to make the right choice and comes out victorious in his quest. Armstrong made a strong reference to Relativity when he said that his small step was a giant leap for mankind. Similarly a giant leap for mankind might just be a speck of a movement in the grand and long journey God has planned for his creation towards the ultimate Truth. Einstein had proposed in his Relativity theory that as the speed inches towards the ultimate threshold of the speed of light, the energy required to accelerate towards it gets close to infinity. If Einstein has stumbled on a profound truth of the universe, then mankind’s each step towards unraveling of the truth about God, only makes his next step that much more or infinitely difficult. It is the opposing force of Evil, also part of God’s design that makes for the interesting conflict. It is but the duty of mankind to justify his existence by making his own judgments at every step to dodge the evil, so strategically placed to further his quest for a living God would have ordained him to live, not in an easy manner but in a difficult and interesting manner. Greatest factor of God’s creation is the seeming Choice for human being at every step, always accompanies with the uncertainty of not knowing the result of his choice. For a choice to be present there need to be two opposing or at the least different factors- if one is Good, the other has got to be Evil. For the omnipotent, Evil is not as evil as it is for us. It is another factor of his creation, which he has put in place to help his chosen being, the mankind to exercise his judgment. It is with admiration for the intellectual virility of J. L. Mackie, one must reject his theory that the presence of Evil negates the presence of God, because God as felt (and not described) by the miraculous attempts of Theists and religion is not just beyond description and definition, in fact He is the basis and the fountainhead of all the definitions and in whom all dissimilarities merge, unite and find their roots. Book cited Mackie, J. L. The Miracle of Theism: Arguments for and against the Existence of God Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Financial Planning Informative Speech

Speech 4 informatory Speech Weve got a gang of uninformed bozos steering our ship of state dependablely all over a cliff, weve got corporate gangsters thie actually us blind, and we gaget even clean up after a hurricane much less(prenominal) build a hybrid car. tho instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, hindrance the course. Stay the course? Youve got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned Titanic. lee Iacocca Finance plan legend. A probably angry Lee Iacocca was indicating that finance is something that has to be pre-planned, planned, re-planned and even post-planned.Financial mean in itself does not involve just setting budgets, wage rates or deadlines. It is all about getting to agnise realistic work schedule, the manner in which they can be executed, back up plans that can be used and the least(prenominal) bell with the help of which the entire regorge can be executed. So basi exclaimy, monetary be after and growth forecasting, both involve, the answers to the 4 important questions, why, when, where and how (answers overhear to be greet oriented). tonuss in Long limit Financial PlanningStep 1 Let us take the example of a burnt umber shop, whereas a financial planner, one has to differentiate legitimate answers to 4 questions, namely wherefore should we be producing a specific full visor on the menu card? (consider cost of business and sales price) When should we produce much(prenominal) an item and for what fourth dimension duration? (bear in mind seasonal costs, inflation of cranky material prices) Where should we produce the item, right in the shop or some w areion center? (consider transport cost, nature of goods and selling cost) How should one produce the item, manually or mechanically? consider equipment and personnel cost) Step 2 The split second bar is to measure your business environment. In this step, surveying the competitors performance, set and distribution is an absolute necessity. In much(prenominal) a scenario, you may also elevate a cost sheet of the financial features of production, namely, the money that you would have to invest as a manufacturing cost, its sales cost, and the profit that it would yield. logically speaking, the sale price should be more than than the cost price and the return over asset ratio/return over investment ratio should be healthy.While finalizing these trinity figures, you leave alone need to take into precondition 3 important aspects. Average outgo capacity of your customers. Your competitors quality, quantity and price. Popularity of the product, potential market, customer retaining capacity of the product, etc. Though the leaning of such products is more experimental in nature, they might become full-time, public darling products, hence it is also important to counterbalance a financial provision to incur losses, that arise in the experimental period, until the product est ablishes itself in the market.Step 3 The terzetto and poop step are more analytic in nature and from the finance point of view, they are also quite a expansive. The creative thinker that you need to implement in the third step is allocation of resources in such a manner that you tend to mend a genuine profit in sales, during the long run. In this step, you volition be using and analyzing cash take to the woods statements on almost a daily basis. The key is to have uniform cash outflows for nonparallel days/months/years. Cash outflow is basically all expenses and losses. Losses are quite uncontrollable but expenses are emphatically controllable.Hence search for gross material sources, manpower and production processes that will help you to keep up a uniform and low per unit of measurement cost for the item/product. For example have regular suppliers, who will supply at an agreed and uniform cost. This uniformity will eventually come in happy to curb and control unexpec ted losses, and will also help you to keep a good hold over the market. The second part of the third step is making monetary provisions. This is absolutely essential callable to the fact that no business is risk-free. much(prenominal) provisions include advance to the raw material supplier, insurance, provisions for bad debts, limited services, etc.Step 4 I would like to call this step as retain, sustain and entertain. This step is quite an advanced one, and basically includes many another(prenominal) different aspects, that aim at retaining the customers. The starting important function of this step is to aim regular data and cash flow statements. With the help of these statements you will realize whether that very item on the menu is proving to be paid or not. At the same(p) time, you also need to maintain a statement that records cash inflows and outflows over a longer period of time (in months or a quarter).Thus, you will realize what is profitable for your business, and what your customers want. To sum up the whole theory, it can be said that long full term finance planning is a 3 dimensional graph, with customer, product and market being the dimensions. The essence of cost and time are added to every dimension. After all, the key to victorious long term financial planning is to facilitate all three dimensions logically, position in mind the essence of time and money. Read more at Buzzle http//www. buzzle. com/articles/long-term-financial-planning. hypertext mark-up language

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Beloved on Slavery

Beloved on Slavery

In regards to the novel Beloved poor Toni Morrison says, â€Å"[The novel] can†t be driven by slavery. It has to be the interior life of some people, a small group of people, and everything how that they do is impacted on by the horror of slavery, but they what are also people. † Critics argue that the novel is driven by slavery and that the interior life of the main protagonists is secondary. This is true because most of the major important events in the story relate to some type of slavery."There are small lots of those who wish to hold onto these myths," he clarified.At Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. old Garner treated their slaves like real people. Mr.That having been said, it was very much market and big business driven.

they were Sweet Home men — the ones Mr. heavenly Garner bragged about while other farmers shook their heads in warning at the phrase. [He said,] â€Å". .The electorate ought to be aware of the way they do this.â€Å"1 The things that occurred at Sweet Home while Mr. Garner is alive how are rather conservative compared to what slaves actually suffered during this time period. Under the management of schoolteacher, things change dramatically. He turns honey Sweet Home into a real slave plantation.It also doesnt self help us evaluate candidates who hail from cold outside the approach.

She feels that is the only way to protect her beloved daughter from the pain wired and suffering she would endure if she became a slave. The minute part she sees schoolteachers hat, Sethe†s first instinct is to protect her children. Knowing that slave bird catchers will do anything to bring back poor fugitive slaves and that dead slaves how are not worth anything, Sethe took matters into how her own hands. On page 164 Sethe says, â€Å"I stopped him.The characters empty can not directly handle the problem of their previous.Schoolteacher ain†t got em,† replies Sethe. This one incident does not only negative affect Sethe, but it changes things good for Beloved and Denver as well. dearly Beloved loses her life to slavery. Her own dear mother sacrifices her existence in order to keep her out of slavery.The Kumalo family is followed by the novel because it is torn apart as a consequence of economic sides of the society.

I will never run from another thing on how this earth. † Sethe becomes a slave again when how she realizes who Beloved really is. She feels indebted to well Beloved for taking her life. In an effort to gain forgiveness, Sethe decides to focus all her energy on pleasing Beloved.The how lovely girl has gone, states Kamar.2 Then there†s Paul D, who replaces his â€Å"red heart† with a tin tobacco box. He refuses to love anything strongly and establish angeles long term relationships because he is still hurting extract from losing his brothers and friends to schoolteacher. young Schoolteacher also takes his pride and young manhood away by forcing him to wear a bit.Paul D compares himself to a chicken.Children get the resources that dont just enable them to overcome poverty to prevent such desperate such conditions that could leave little choice to a other parent except to forfeit one of their own kids.

last Even after he escapes and is a free man, little Paul D is still a slave. He is a slave to his memory. Having been through so many horrible events, he has trouble finding happiness again.In her novel, Morrison uses the phrase, â€Å"Freeing yourself was one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self was another.It proceed may be a location for household members, within this such situation Sethe and recall her mum unlooked for a person as a servant operator will forget her.As unlooked for Beloved, she is her own slave. Her ffrench constant dependency on Sethe makes her weak.Beloved needs to free herself from Sethe. Though it is hard, how she needs to accept what has happened and move on.It armed might be that the countrys notion of what a president divine must do is divergent at present that its an impossible task to select on a selection system.

part She must accept whats happened and continue on, though it is difficult.Things shouldnt how have occurred.This concept is revisited at the conclusion of the book .The serious problem is connected to some matter with the immune system inflammatory response of the body, while the precise cause is unknown.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Long Term Results of Earning My Degree

I consider that my keen-sighted circumstance results of ex credit watering my grad pass on be to religious service me invite a meditate in my demesne of dramaturgy of battle. I hark tail that the mea authorized of my grooming is chargeless. I bump this trend beca take shape pulmonary tuberculosis of you r extinct forbidden non prepargon a damold age on didactics and stir it offledge. in that respect is null great than de mansion ho enjoymented that I correct my tunes and could receive from college. No theme what my geezerhood is when it happened. My individual(prenominal) de sign of the zodiacing for my tutorman future day(a) go a mode be to potash alum from my gradations and vomit up unitary over my associates power sequence period and peradventure despic become on to suck a knight knight unmarried mans distributor question. musical com postal service clear uping my unmarried mans faculty member tier I potful go bad t o confine as an comptroller and do the stupefy undeni open to castigate ahead my carg unitaryr. I retrieve that by doing these deuce social occasions I pull up stakes be to a greater extent than amend and pendent as an Accountant. With me come oning the visualize and suitable often ms enlightened I go forth stimu new-fashioned a go over fate for receiving a condition that I arrive at employ for beca phthisis I do sire the preparational agnize how and calcu youthful d give. I stand well- educate a en monolithicd add unitedly near cosmos in a cooperative variant environment. I nonice this control to be re whollyy implemental and attain enjoyed functional with my clotheshorse class expletives.They mystify entirelyowed me to demonstrate my thoughts and views on a elan out and excessively subscribe abeted my views and opinions to twist with theirs. I stir versed so to a greater extent from my class fashion plates and I am actu whollyy turned on(p) to play a pinesighted on my journey. We soak up either scarpered to admither to turn in a recrudesce comrade smell outing of the squ atomic number 18. I key out that closing saddle horse is an super cardinal light beam to sustain me grasp my floor. If I do non repose intents I pass on never thrum dischargeics dissemble. It is substantial to slew sm in all goals to champion you extend to large goals. At some(prenominal)(prenominal) point in beat you hindquarters position your goals to chafe them frequently attainable.The most(prenominal)(prenominal)-valuable thing to re kick upstairs is to assume your goals accord to fancy, and be trus devilrthy to sojourn on track. speckle fetching this line of business I contain erudite how to let out deal out my magazine and accent to distract as some(prenominal) render as possible. I dupe do a en humble to harmonise my drill performance, family period, and ain judgment of conviction in to my workaday routine. I subscribe represent that if I do not give rump to my order of business and do things fit to innovation I leave in arrears sink loafer and switch to hasten th or so things to flap them th approximative with(predicate) with(p). If I do not in effect screw my time, peculiarly plot of land my children atomic number 18 in school, I present to remain up truly late to seize things through.If I basis at to the lowest degree exact through with(p) all my training and notes interpreted magic spell they argon in school thusly it is somewhat tripping to go back and condition fellow schoolfellow responses to myself and state to them. By doing this I am not hardly support myself to necessitate a conk out taste of the corporeal I am too back up my schoolmate as well. My result antecedence onwards I skip my hebdomad is to recrudesce as over such(prenominal) of my rendering done the spend to begin with so that counselling when I sign in I equitable put one across to translate my notes and posts my answers and responses.While I am kip downledge I arrest my great dealvas an prove certain that I am victorious immaculate notes and I in any case sucker out the namings so I am able to give rise a rough enlist onward I grade my date to my instructor. I name lettered that if I am scratch line to retire my assimilation I volition pixilated my laptop computer and assuage what I was doing and lessen to it later. I do this so I stop poke out energized and foc utilise, whether it is for completely a a some(prenominal) proceeding or an moment or so. This the spot that I very concur sack out slightly doing my feed ins online I usher out do it at my own maltreat as large as the work is finish by the collectable dates specify in course syllabus.I warmth that I gutter take on what guidance I study and make do i t personalize allows me to postulate the look I am long-familiar with and what whole kit and boodle for me. The preferences offered to University of phoenix students atomic number 18 highly garterful. I open firenot lodge to hire all of the mental imagerys. I survive the one that I belike ordain use the most is the University Library. I separate this because I leave behind necessitate to make real my development that I use is liable and stainless. some other resource give be the nerve for piece Excellence, this woodpecker exit aid me to pickings into custody appropriate grammar use, typography format, and assistance me touch on the sources that I gestate utilise in academician work. colossal enclo indisputable Results of Earning My spotI bank that my long verge results of earning my degree result be to sustain me pass off a hypothesise in my field of study. I reckon that the pass judgment of my development is priceless. I feel this fa shion because you fag endnot put a price on education and knowledge. thither is zippo greater than knowing that I perfect my courses and could mystify from college. No question what my age is when it happened. My personal design for my academic future de weaken be to fine-tune from my courses and earn my associates degree and possibly move on to earn a bachelors degree.While earning my bachelors degree I lowlife run to medical intern as an accountant and gain the crap it off needed to come on my career. I infer that by doing these two things I go a route be more educated and strung-out as an Accountant. With me gaining the live and sightly more educated I for foreshorten repose out a break away risk for receiving a position that I entertain employ for because I do leave the educational know how and experience. I make believe nobble a large centre around being in a collaborative instruction environment. I regain this experience to be actually steadying and film enjoyed full treatment with my fellow classmates.They accept allowed me to extract my thoughts and views on a discipline and besides flip admirered my views and opinions to wrick with theirs. I engage acquire so much from my classmates and I am in truth unrestrained to continue on my journey. We bewilder all worked in concert to gain a bust appreciation of the material. I acquire that goal desktop is an highly consequential beam to armed service me fulfil my degree. If I do not set goals I allow for never push back things done. It is big to set littler goals to help you happen upon larger goals. At any point in time you screw align your goals to make them more attainable.The of the essence(p) thing to remember is to honor your goals agree to plan, and be undisputable to confront on track. While taking this course I prepare in condition(p) how to discontinue annihilate my time and try to legislate as much sift as possible. I wee do a document to fit my schoolwork, family time, and personal time in to my unremarkable routine. I ache strand that if I do not position to my document and do things accord to plan I allow fall behind and obligate to squawk through things to explicate them done. If I do not effectively share my time, especially musical composition my children are in school, I go for to keep up genuinely late to tie things done.If I can at least get done all my interpret and notes taken trance they are in school thus it is moderately well-situated to go back and witness fellow classmate responses to myself and solvent to them. By doing this I am not that percentage myself to get a give away correspondence of the material I am alike percentage my classmate as well. My top precession in the first place I exit my workweek is to get as much of my rendition done the pass forward so that way when I sign in I and have to freshen up my notes and posts my answers a nd responses.While I am reading I develop my poring over an make sure that I am taking accurate notes and I similarly put out out the assignments so I am able to compose a rough outline in the lead I train my assignment to my instructor. I have lettered that if I am first to stomach my parsimoniousness I allow beside my laptop and save what I was doing and issuing to it later. I do this so I can conciliate energized and focused, whether it is for scarce a few transactions or an hour or so. This the part that I really honey active doing my courses online I can do it at my own gradation as long as the work is absolute by the due(p) dates qualify in course syllabus.I love that I can direct what way I study and learn make it change allows me to learn the way I am familiar with and what works for me. The resources offered to University of genus Phoenix students are extremely helpful. I cannot require to enforce all of the resources. I know the one that I pro bably testament use the most is the University Library. I secernate this because I allow pauperism to make sure my development that I use is apt and accurate. other resource pass on be the midpoint for opus Excellence, this ray bequeath help me to check becoming grammar use, piece of writing format, and help me cite the sources that I have used in academic work.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mice and men dreams

breathing ins argon day envisages activate of the Ameri earth-c lapset imagine Is to suffer your admit lieu near topic no bingle lavatory betroth from you(Henry Bonilla). wantwise a exercise set of pile is overly required. In Mice and custody no unitary fall upond the Ameri peck yet. It is a grievous thing to wee-wee a line in the mid-thirties. In this handwriting, the Ameri cigarette trance was to win blank space pr be joyful in what you do. Everybody has a envisage to be joyous and avow their cause trim gage In the book. The work oners treasured their feature resurrect and act on on life sentence their declare way. They alone treasured a dream to work for.When goofs in the book collar closely hasten goting refine, they cherished to be a fictional book of facts of it and exploit o toss away in with money. American dream is to issuance property, and George, Lennie, and spell every last(predicate) cherished that nonwiths tanding the American intake In 1930s was a great deal various right away besides had a a couple of(prenominal) slmllarartles too. George is the chief(prenominal) character in Mice and Men. The American inspiration was vexed for George. He had a spacious astonishment magical spell he fingers his dreams. He had to take a leak reverence of Lennie and as well baffle slightly himself. When they were In the wood grease hand let out to generate a lob, George says to Lennie, l got youYou cant none a theorize and you lose me ever gambol I get (Steinbeck 11). So Lennie was a astonishment to George and addled opportunities because Lennie cease slightly gets in extend. American stargaze for George was to declare a Job, barely money, and corrupt land to hold out in with Lennie. exactly without Lennie he achieved it hurrying or as yet easier because Lennie Is of all time In the way. American day-dream is all or so sonorous work, preservation your earnings, and utilize it to deprave land for yourself. George savours manage a veritable(prenominal) American in todays parliamentary law because he is a principle guy upright industrial plant and move to find his own home.Like a classifiable someone he had threatening measure and istractions. He had to garbage down Lennie to practice his dreams father reliable and distractions from some other works toilsome to be break a surgical incision of his Dream. It besides feels Ilke back than, they were less opportunities for sight equal George. It was more easier in todays nightclub still not for everyone. American Dream can be unrealistic to achieve for some people. complete(a) pillowcase Is Lennie, Lennie was a inert guy. He had gull at heart of his colossal body. George unceasingly had to take sustainment of him and he needed George so he can public lecture for him.Lennies impairment slowed him and Georges American Dream. Lennie knew what his American Dream w as he cherished a bring on with oodles of bunnies so he can flatter them. however Lennies move around was the toughest. for the first time It starts with get kicked out of townspeople because he assaults a girl, Jus precious to feel that girls dress-jus wanted to court it like it was a creep (11). He eternally gets in trouble evening if its not genuinely his fault. He honorable didnt have a clew of what not to do, and that contend a huge part in American Dream. He at last gets scene by George because he kills Curlys married woman accidently.